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Hey, my name is Milagro. It means miracle in spanish, I am Dominican and live in NYC. I like it here, it's noisy. I study fashion design at a school called Fashion Industries. I like it there too, I learn things. I am 14 years old. I'm a Leo [born on August 12, 1994]. I like photography and graphic design. If you want to get to know me, add me on myspace or ask for my aim.

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About Me

Milagro is my name, yeah I'm a miracle - that's what it means in spanish. Born on August 12Th 1994 making me 14 years of age - yeah I am young. So what?. I could be teaching some of you right now. I really could. I just refuse to - I was born in the Dominican Republic, where everything is hot & warm. My family is mixed with puerto rican descend believe it or not. But now I'm stuck in this cold NYC world. You know, the one we refuse to abandon because we thinks it's the shit. No, it is the shit. The world revolves around it. Yeah I contradicted myself. Now I walk the halls of a pretty nice school called Fashion Industries High School. Yeah, I go to school, I wasn't serious about the whole OH-I'm-a-genius thing. If it was true, I would be in college, or would have my own company. See I think outside the box this world. I like writing things, & reading too. I'm not a nerd, don't get me wrong. But I wish I was, I would pass every test & quiz there are to be taken. I will just give a whole new definition to the world nerd. But you know what? these are just facts I'm not done explaining myself. Yet.

So yeah, I just said a few things about me & you might think you know who I am. Well you're wrong - you know about me, but you don't know me. Only a few do, and only a few will. I refuse to let others see the real me, no I'm not fake. But I'm very selective with who I chose as a friend. I've been let down a lot. Maybe that's why I might be shy at first, and then once you've gained my trust we'll be friends. Not the kind of friends you say "Hi" to everyday and then don't speak to again. The kind of friend you can count on. I'm afraid of a few things; snakes, heights, drowning, not to mention death - not dying, but dying without making something out of my life. I wonder If I am different or the same as other people. I wonder because I learned the other day in science class that 99% of our DNA determine how our body works, meaning that only 1% makes us physically different. I hate racism, sexism, and ignorance - I mean the kind of ignorance that prevent you from knowing better stuff about others and not being prejudice. I laugh a lot, I'm corny, I'm good in algebra - at least I think I am, I enjoy photography including taking pictures of myself. No I am not coincided. But I could be pretty bitchy sometimes if you get on my nerves. That's something that some people seem surprised about, you know when they first meet me. Probably because they wouldn't expect it from me - see what I mean with people getting the wrong idea of me?
Name Milagro Pineiro
Gender Female
Age 14
Location New York, NY
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Men
Status Single

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Showing latest 4 of 4 comments

Hey there, thanks for the friend request =)

By sweetalacrity on Dec 17, 2008 4:34 pm · History

I really like your stlye of layouts and was wondering if you take requests

By janedoe0011 on Aug 22, 2008 4:03 pm · History

do you take requests?
Becuase your style of layouts is my kind of style.
And I have a drawning and scanned picture of what I want in a div layout.

By danajoejonas on Jul 5, 2008 3:17 am · History

oh! my old best friends' name is Milagros!!!! oh my god! weirdddd

By ScriptedLove on Jun 10, 2008 12:18 am · History


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Registered Sep 30, 2007
Last update Jan 30, 2009


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